MENU which I hope mobile phones can display. These audios (collected together for the first time) are sorted downwards, by apparent download popularity, as of 2016, except for several new uploads, which I've placed first. The tape recordings were fairly good, but quality, volume of speech and noise, and recording equipment varied—there may be loud parts, hissy parts, high-pitched parts where batteries ran low, gaps where tapes ended, frayed tempers, unexpected bits, etc. Mostly uploaded here in mp3, quality 7, mono format. Files open in a new window, then start to play.
These talks present a slice of intellectual life in Britain from 1994-2016. Many of the speakers have died in that time. Much of the pre-Internet one-way oratory is disinformation, though at the time many listeners had no idea, since skilled propagandists will not tell them. I've tried to indicate where and when the lectures took place. The Internet talks on Skype are of course relatively recent. All my tapes are my copyright.
JEWS CONSIDERED AS BELLIGERENTS IN WORLD WAR 2 Rae West and Jan Lamprecht discuss Jews killing Russians and manipulating Germans and others into war May 2018. 70 mins. (And there's a video with text comments.)
2,000 years of Jew ignorance with Andrew Hitchcock 4 Oct 2017 1 hour
SALT in Food - Frank McManus interview by Rae West (24 Sept 2017; about 28MB, about 95 mins. Based on the text website of 2014.
Paul Stevenson 95 mins 8 Sept 2017 conversation. General look at the world of genocide of whites; Stevenson has spoken with Dr Joyce and Kevin MacDonald on Revolution Radio.
Rae West with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock 1 hour 3 Aug 2017. With the Barnes Review. General remarks on Jews and the forming of the modern world. Includes the two extracts below, on looking out for Jewish influences, and the genetic differences between whites and Jews. Both are topics needing research work, which everybody should be aware of.
Rae West with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock 1 hour 30 Aug 2017. Includes increasing perception of Jews and false flags, including the Charlottesville fiasco.
2017 White Genes vs Jew Genes   40 minute audio with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock looking at the complicated subject of emotional and intellectual differences between 'whites' and 'Jews', considered biologically. Tries to look at the roots of evolutionary differences, including territorial differences, and (particularly with Jews) using deception to manipulate others, rather than scientific understanding of the world.
2017 Separate out Jews   Spot the Jews—understanding what is meant politically when under Jew media saturation. About 16 minute video with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock of examples. Understand the truth about 'Labor' parties, 'democrats', etc. “What was US policy in Vietnam?”—the correct question is “What was Jewish policy for Vietnam?”. What did European powers plan for Africa?—correct question os what did Jews plan for Africa. And so on. The follow-on question—what about collaborators with Jews, such as Freemasons?—is not addressed here.
2014 Jews Genes Nukes Whites 2hr 28m   Round-table talk on the probable genetics of Jews and other groups; and lying, including nuclear myths; and genetics of whites (including characteristic weaknesses). Seven voices in total. Some wi-fi problems.
Deep Revisionism Now, with 'Dion Wehrwolf' (Sept 2016; 1 hour 47 minutes. Revisionist progress in a number of fields).
Learn About Jews, with 'Fakeologist'
(May 2015; 52 minutes. Learn to identify and analyse Jews, and what they do and have done)   [top]
Part of the first Iraq war disinformation process, morphed into disguised attack on the BNP and European parties. In 1991 there had been a 'Media workers against the war', naturally ineffectual. Here we have more examples of controlled opposition. Meeting entitled 'Keep the Media Nazi Free', Wednesday evening, 20th April 1994. At Conway Hall, Red Lion Square. Here are the speeches (some connective material omitted) in sequence. Note that they don't care about truth about wars; they only want opponents of Jews silenced. Note the anti-white stories. Interesting to speculate whether they had any prevision of Internet. Here's Paul Foot ("... outrage and disgust at frivolous and sycophantic approach of the British media to rising tide of fascism in Europe & Britain. We're shocked at what we've had to read. .."). Tony Benn ("... as an old BBC producer and member of NUJ.. over 45-odd years. ... Fascism was the response of capitalism to the arrival in Moscow in 1917 of socialism, however distorted {yeah!] it later became under Joe Stalin... "). Victoria Brittain ("... assistant foreign editor of Guardian ... journalism school.. 'balance'.. very convenient myth.. news editor's excuse for not knowing about history"). Seamus Milne (Guardian, Jew-front trust-funded 'newspaper', and NUJ 'chapel'. "If any journalist or any newspaper editor was faced with an article which, or an interview which said did six million really die denying the holocaust they wouldn't print it. We know they wouldn't print it. So why should they be printing other arguments of a similar nature made by these fascists? [clapping]"). Singh (Dull speaker, presumably a front, from BECTU, a Jew-dominated media union designed to keep Jew information from entertainment and news, and e.g. promote race mixing, immigration, wars). Steve Platt (then editor of the New Statesman, yet another Jew front). John Pilger (Listen carefully to John Pilger, and decide for yourself whether Jewish media ownership and financial control is mentioned, even in passing; whether profits from wars are mentioned; whether US war crimes, arranged by Jews, are mentioned; and whether meaningful interpretations of 'Fascist' and 'Nazi' are mentioned. I've seen it suggested that Pilger's real name is Pilinger or Pillinger, this is not confirmed to me). Leon Greenman, professional 'Holocaust survivor', applauded by the entire room, despite his ridiculous grasping nonsense.   [top]
Long (nearly 5 hours) interview and discussion between Ivor Catt and Rae West on August 22nd, 1996. Note that the date was at the start of Internet's huge growth. Note also Jew naivete. Some stereo separation. Probably not for most people. Topics include: weapons engineers; technocrats denied a share of power, and comparison with old China; lab administration; education and its problems; censorship, gatekeepers, editors of science journals, interface with the public controlled by a few media 'experts'; Clive Sinclair; writers such as Heaviside, Kuhn, Polanyi, Bernstein, Denning; dissident scientists, including the list he collected; careerism and promotions; law and the legal system, notably family and divorce and child law; current events (as presented by the 'controlled media'), such as Thatcher and 'New Labour'. Here's a transcription of more Catt conversation. I've written up my exposure to science revisionism over a few decades, based around Ivor's activities.   [top]
Susan Greenfield (Wednesday 14th Jan, 1998; c 50 minutes, stereo, at the Department of Pharmacology, Oxford; I haven't listened to this!). Greenfield is a perfect example of a media promoted imitative scientist, on the controlled gamut of TV, radio and newspapers. She was made 'Baroness Greenfield' in 2001. And incidentally was removed from the leading position at the Royal Institution in London, having put design before purpose. All her assumptions (on e.g. dopamine, structure of brain cells, apoptosis, chemical transmission etc) though almost universal in the biological research field, are of highly doubtful veracity. Harold Hillman attempted to discuss his work with her; she did at least 'view' his papers in 1995. She was also, perhaps unconsciously, politically naive—taking the Jewish view of such things as post-traumatic stress—amongst US war criminals, not victims. She was married to Peter Atkins, author of a textbook on physical chemistry: he believes or believed in the Holohoax, and carefully omitted the most important use of chemistry, namely in bombs, napalm, weaponry, and so on.   [top]
Ellis Hillman Informal chat 28 June 1995 at University of London Union, with refectory background sounds. One of two brothers of Harold Hillman. Geology degree; his book London Under London sold 30,000 or so copies, he said. He had been Mayor of a London borough with of course high Jewish percentage. Part-time pre-Internet research with Jewish flavour: Gordon riots, Barnaby Rudge, French Revolution, Fuseli both Turk and Jew. Sabbatai Zevi. Catholic history, Joseph McCabe, Catholic church trying to 'reconquer'. Lewis Carroll: 'Walrus and the Carpenter' perhaps Bismarck & another, eating up Austria/ ostria; and 'Tweedledum and Tweedledee' (two Napoleons), and The Mad Hatter as Charles Babbage. Book of Revelations, Jewish, Romans, Babylonians, a different Jesus. Zohar and Cabbalists and Christian Cabbalists. Etc. Ellis didn't seem familiar with the idea that the commonality weren't allowed to read the Bible; I mentioned Belloc and 'Bible Christians' etc.   [top]
John Pilger: BASA 2nd Biennial Lecture 'Australia in Asia'. British Australian Studies Association. Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre at UCL, June 1995. Only the second such lecture; the first was by Germaine Greer. I'd guess both Greer and Pilger think they are Jews. About the time of East Timor. The ticket said '.. born and educated in Sydney. ... war correspondent, filmmaker and playwright ... one of the media's most challenging commentators on international political relations. He has twice won British journalism's highest award, ... Journalist of the Year, and ... International Reporter of the Year, winner of the U.N.A. Media Peace Prize, ... his documentary films have won Academy Awards ... In 1991 he received BAFTA's Dimbleby Award.' All this is standard Jewish BS. Good recording apart from parts of side 2 of the tape. Mostly on Australian foreign policy. The British have Gurkhas, US has Australians. Australians fought in all US wars. Indonesia and Timor and Sumatra, censored from Aussies. Rupert Murdoch and Australian media most concentrated in western world. Pilger claims 5th generation ancestry from Ireland (and said he's English). Nothing about Vietnam and money and Jews such as Kissinger. About 6 questions/ answers, including an irate Australian from the Australian High Commission.   [top]
John Pilger on 'The Hidden Power of the Media'. This was recorded by the 'Socialist Workers Party', a Jewish front. Recorded in UCL (University College, London), I think in 1996. I don't know if they still make and sell tapes of their speakers.   [top]
Kay Welling on Teenagers and Sex (March 1995 talk at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Time: 30 minutes, but not very good quality recording). Results of a nationwide survey of attitudes and behaviour. Part of the backwash from the AIDS fraud originating in the USA. The dangers of immigration, of the subsidies for aliens rather than Britons, progressive unsafeness of life and insecurity of families, the attacks on the family promoted by Jews, medical dangers, risks of Jewish prostitution in Israel—all this sort of thing is suppressed by such worthy liars.   [top]
Long discussion in March 2013 between Rerevisionist (UK), Fakeologist (Canada), and FirstClassSkeptic (USA) —(Rae West is 'rerevisionist')— on the forum NUKELIES (which had been taken down a year earlier by Jesse Waugh, its founder) and on supposed nuclear weapons and nuclear power, and evidence of Jewish money-making and strategic fakery.  Time: 3 hours 18 mins.   FirstClassSkeptic (aka PriesthoodAgitator) was contacted by phone, and spoke in the second half, mainly on Hiroshima and how the U.S. public was deceived. Absolutely essential listening to everyone wanting to understand this huge fraud. The soundtrack of the video Lords of the Nukes is the same, with added music fragments and some movie soundtracks. Video based on this audio, but also packed with images, book extracts, movies, drawings:- Lords of the Nukes.   [top]
Two-part interview of Harold Hillman by Rae West   Part 1Part 2. Long interview with a biologist, probing the issues of fakes in biology, generally caused by misinterpretations of expensive equipment, which of course helps prevent people checking results. Here's a list of Hillman's books and papers, many of which are referred to during the interview, which is in chronological sequence from Hillman's date of birth to his then-age of 65. I have notes on the chronological script I prepared. Anyone who wants to understand the lack of progress in biology must listen to this interview. It's impossible to convey how important all this material is: nurses, biology students, doctors, biochemists, alternative medical types, 'skeptics', rationalists must have some familiarity with this material. It is not as difficult as might be imagined. I've included world events and issues in the interview, though please note at the time of recording I was unaware of such Jewish frauds as the 'Holocaust', 'nuclear weapons', and of course the future '9/11'. Time: each part 90 minutes.   [top]
Free Speech, Internet and Holocaust Revision. Talk given on Sunday 12th Oct 1997, at South Place Ethical Society, Red Lion Square, London. Apologies for the rather amateurish and unpractised speaking style. Showing the influence of Internet, my conclusions from many megabytes of new material. Here's the text version (with 15-years-later addenda).   'Holocaust' questions; includes Q & A session and even some of the tea and biscuit break after.   Time: 1 hour 45 minutes. Here's the equivalent video, same soundtrack.   [top]
Rerevisionist with John Friend on What Happened at Hiroshima?   The evidence shows there was no atomic bomb. An exploration of nuclear weapons as a myth, and the reasons they were planned and propagandised and exploited by Jews in the Jewish axis Washington - London - Moscow. Includes the Second World War, Japan, Japanese cities firebombed. And Pearl Harbor and Nanking as probable fakes. Jews in money and science and pseudo-science, Jewish supposed atomic spies to pretend the USSR under Stalin had nukes, and much more. Nagasaki may have had had a firestorm; Hiroshima seems to have been too small a town for firestorm conditions, and only had smoke columns, perhaps used for the 'mushroom cloud'.   Time: c. 1 hour 37 minutes. Here's the video (same soundtrack).   [top]
Colin Wilson (who became famous with his book The Outsider) speaking at Waterstone's Bookshop in Canterbury, 21 May 1996. Includes the full talk and question-and-answer session, and comments during the book-signing session. Promoting his book From Atlantis to the Sphinx. Amiable presentation of some unusual ideas. Colin Wilson's talk. Time: c 1 hour 37 mins.   [top]
Global Warming and Climate Change - Fact or Fiction? Title of a talk by Sir John Mason at the Jodrell Lecture Theatre, Kew, SW London, 20th April 1995. Yes—1995. Very thorough, detailed and competent survey of the scare, which turns out to have been based on feeble computer modelling, which predicted 10 degree rises, but didn't even allow for cloud formation. If you've ever been worried by this scare, I recommend a calm listening to Sir John. Mason specifically commented on a BBC thing on global COOLING. Handheld small tape recorder; luckily Mason has a loud voice.
    Here's my transcription of Mason's talk. And here's my video with his soundtrack (including transcription). Time: 1 hour 36 mins.
Deanna Spingola's books include The Ruling Elite: a Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation and The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power. Deanna runs an Internet radio phone-in from Chicago with 'Renegade Broadcasting Network'. Good on the Second World War. Here's the audio of our talk on nuke issues (ads removed; my sections of chat were designed to fit between ads).  Time: c. 90 minutes:- Rae West and Deanna Spingola - Do Nuclear Bombs and Power Really Exist?. The video version, made about a year later, is Do Nuclear Bombs and Nuclear Power Exist?   [top]
Book-signing session of Martin Gilbert, at Waterstones, Hampstead on 23 April 1998. Then-new book, Israel: a History. Portable recorder; questions somewhat banal; audience largely 'Jews'. Interestingly evasive, and absurdly smug. 'Jews from Moses to Nasser', 'the Holocaust', Jews and self-defence, anti-Semitism in the Ottoman Empire, it's libellous to say Judaism is racist, Wingate's "night squads". Martin Gilbert, 'historian' is the Jew to whom Churchill's papers were all given, presumably because of Jewish clannishness rather than competence. Time: c. 70 minutes   [top]
Alan Bullock wrote Hitler: A Study In Tyranny in 1952, the 1962 'completely revised edition' still being reprinted unchanged by Penguin in 1990, and no doubt beyond. He co-edited and edited various mediocre books. By 1991, he must have realised that Stalin wasn't too pleasant, and published Hitler And Stalin: Parallel Lives, though without noting the Jewish connection. He's described as a Yorkshire scholarship boy, b 1914, with a double first in classics (i.e. Greek, Latin) and a first in modern history, meaning Cromwell and later with no Jew awareness; he probably believed he was one of the cleverest people of his time. All his acknowledgements are English-language translations, such as 'Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression' from US Government printing office, Washington. He may have been a covert Jew (Bulloch?) or simply a useful idiot. He decorated the House of Lords. My recording of this talk, on Hitler and Stalin, was at the LSE in November 1996, with a Question-and-Answer session.   [top]
Noam Chomsky, June 1995, Minimalist Explorations (c. 70 mins; small hand-held tape recorder on the lectern in UCL, I think in the 'Applied Linguistics Dept' in Gordon Square. From a UCL 'Listings' thing faxed from UCL's 'Publications Department' - Chomsky was in London for a meeting of 'Liberty'). Here's my transcription. And here are some sceptical notes on Chomsky including controlled opposition, Hebrew, and Stalin. 'Applied Linguistics' in fact has the task of mal-educating children (see e.g. 'look and say') and ensuring Jewish language tricks, such as simple lying, are kept as secret as possible.   [top]
Steven Rose: Is Our Behaviour In Our Genes? A talk in July 1996, with simple slides. Jews are terrified of the idea that non-Jews might have personalities, exist as independent people, have creative ideas, and so on. Franz Boas is a perfect example of a Jewish-groomed 'intellectual', whose whole life was driven by pretending that human races don't exist. Whenever you see Jews or collaborators talking about 'societal manufacture' or 'social construction' or 'inevitability theory' in history, geography, finance, criminology etc etc they always take a similar, deliberately wrong, approach. Here is Stephen Rose, a professor at the Open University, a pseudo-scientist of a very precise Jewish type, doing what he can to muffle truths about people (notably racist Jews) to a rather sad audience of useful idiots.   [top]
Christopher Hitchens in 1999: The Sound of the Century. November 6th 1999; talk delivered to a smallish group in a London University room. I hadn't heard of him. Hitchens' attempt (c. 40 minutes) to summarise the twentieth century. His Oxford BA (1970) as far as I know was his only formal qualification. He was 'visiting Professor at the New School for Social Research' in New York, a 1919 foundation, which I now recognise as a Jew fraud, following B'nai Brith and the Fed and other unsavoury Jewish aggressions. In informal mode, chatty and smoking, with questions and answers from 'leftist' people sharing his 'panel'. He is anti-Muslim and anti-Christian, but says nothing much about Jewish viciousness.   [top]
London School of Economics 3rd December 1996. Isaac Deutscher lecture: Isaac Deutscher was a Jew who wrote on Stalin (and whose wife would have preferred Trotsky). This is Eric Hobsbawm: Can We Write The History of the Russian Revolution? (80 mins, including questions and weak answers. Apologies for irritating background mains hum or whine) which mars a good recording. Extraordinarily well-attended meeting. Hobsbawm was a darling of the BBC, which of course is always ready to praise Jewish supporters of mass murder. There a video with the same soundtrack and catchy title, Eric Hobsbawm: Socialism Perverted to Jewish Evil 'Communism', with some graphics and text. Banned from Youtube May 7 2017 Hobsbawm's The Age of Extremes is in the most dismaying tradition of Jewish fake history.   [top]
Raymond Challinor: The Second World War—The Struggle for Hearts and Minds, 1998 talk at the 'Alliance for Workers Liberty'. Time: About 70 minutes, with many sidelights on WW2, plus audience questions, some baffled as they'd been told it was an unqualifiedly 'good war'. I hadn't heard of Challinor, who struck me as a genuine socialist historian speaking, in the British tradition, of Keir Hardie, F D Maurice, William Morris, H G Wells, Wilde, Robert Owen and the founders of garden cities. – Not the Jewish-subverted and managed fake 'Red' 'Marxist' 'socialisms' and 'communisms'. First few minutes missing—I was late. Based on Challinor's 1995 book of essays. My review of Challinor's book. Includes for example the Spanish Civil War and British support for Franco.   [top]
David Horrobin of Efamol Lecture at SCI: Butter or Margarine? Essential Fatty Acids and Health. The health issue here was eczema; other issues include biochemistry, and personal scientific rivalries. The Society of Chemical Industry is at 14 Belgrave Square; it shares/ shared the address with about eight organisations, all I think charities. Horrobin founded Efamol, which produced evening primrose oil amongst other products. Horrobin set up the journal Medical Hypotheses 'because I felt that many innovative concepts never saw the light of day. I am pleased to say that the Journal has been successful and is now widely accepted by "establishment" figures. Most of the papers submitted to it come from main stream medical schools. The Journal is in all the major data bases including the Index Medicus, and the Science Citation Index. ... Highly original thinkers are often quite strange people. Although they may be very original, the often have little insight into what is required to persuade others of the validity of their concepts. ...' David F. Horrobin .. said that 'the referee system as it is currently constituted is a disaster. What is most disastrous is its built-in bias against highly innovative work' (Horrobin 1982)   [top]
Halton Arp was an American astronomer; I'd heard of him as a dissident thinker in astronomy, and happened to notice he was in London; I talked to him, with a hand-held tape recorder. However I was not very familiar with his work. For what it may be worth, this was my interview. Hiram Caton, in Product Control in the Truth Industry, wrote: 'Halton Arp was allowed to continue in his heresy (that the red shift is not a measure of cosmological distance) for two decades before his colleagues excluded him from the Mount Wilson telescope (Arp 1987; Burbidge 1988). ... The growth of the sciences since 1945 has been accompanied by an enormous increase of the institutional power exercised by scientists. ...'. Caton wrote on 'CV expansion', cases of science fraud, the case of Margaret Mead, and '40000 scientific journals with an output of 2800 articles per day. ... the average scientific article has less than one reader...' Caton was as far as I know ignorant of Jewish practices in science.   [top]
Dr. Kitty Little, B.A., B.Sc., D.Phil., born 1922, was a friend or colleague of Lady Birdwood, of The Longest Hatred. That piece has a comment box linking to four of Kitty Little's leaflets on this site, on the subversion of Britain, which she noticed at Oxford University—despite her distinction, these were home publications. An email correspondent sent me a 70-minute audio interview of Kitty Little. Internal evidence suggests the tape was a one-microphone tape, made in about 1990, when Little was about 70. The early part in particular is not very clear. She was somewhat aware of Jews as subversive, and also interested with such issues as diesel engines as a possible cause of lung cancer.   [top]
Susan Blackmore was one of the first officially-appointed researchers in Britain into 'parapsychology', and worked with things like PSI and Tarot cards. (Arthur Koestler was another interested person, in Britain). She was interested in memes, treated similarly to the 'selfish gene', so that for example a cluster of memes might include the meme of execution of non-believers. Her talk was in London on 28 November 1996. Richard Dawkins was in the audience.   [top]
Bryan Ellison of Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS (1 hour radio promo for Rethinking AIDS, dated Christmas Day 1994, according to my notes). Bryan J. Ellison was, for five years or so, a graduate student of Peter Duesberg, the virologist, who was one of the opponents of the HIV-AIDS scare, and was demoted; I don't know his more recent history. A book Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS was credited to both Ellison & Duesberg, but was withdrawn after a dispute between the authors or publishers. The AIDS situation has never been closed satisfactorily. Exit strategies have not been developed. In this it resembles many modern-day Jewish frauds.   [top]
Neville Hodgkinson on AIDS talking at Conway Hall on 2 March 1997. Neville Hodgkinson is an ex-Sunday Times medical & science correspondent, who worked under Andrew Neill, who smelt a rat as regards AIDS, one of the few serious investigations Andrew Neill was involved with. Hodgkinson was sacked and replaced. He investigated the situation in Africa, and amassed detailed knowledge of the way spurious figures were made up, and the weaknesses of techniques in so-called 'HIV' science. His book AIDS: The Failure of Contemporary Science, subtitled How a Virus that Never Was Deceived the World (1996) is in an interesting science/ detective story genre.   [top]
Joan Shenton on AIDS and its Politics 29 April 1997; hand-held recording made in the Brunswick centre, near Russell Square, London. Time 61 mins. Joan Shenton's TV production company 'Meditel' had made at that time five important, long (50 minute) TV programmes. Here's my website overview piece on HIV/AIDS containing a detailed screenshot of the situation when it was written. There were many groups contesting what was a Jewish fraud, though few of them were aware of the Jewish connections. There were many writers—Chomsky and Susan Sontag contributed their absurd offerings, for example.   [top]
Michael Verney-Elliott on AIDS. (9th June 1997; four tapes, three hours - long!) Michael Verney-Elliott was an indefatigable researcher, who worked with film director Ken Russell's son Alex. One of his interests was trying to establish whether 'retroviruses' actually exist. He has a standing offer of £1,000 to anyone who can produce an electron micrograph under lab conditions of 'HIV'. He predicted a considerable backlash against the gay and drug company alliance. My questions were not very well prepared; but Verney-Elliott's life and work deserve some record.   [top]
In Australia, on holiday and after a long interval between AIDS discussions, I contacted and talked with the Perth Group on AIDS. 21 May, 2002. Hand-held recording. Eleni Papadopulos-Elenopulos and Turner discuss the science, and are careful not to discuss other controversies in biology. They favour, or favoured, the 'oxidative stress hypothesis' of Eleni Papadopulos-Elenopulos.   [top]
Freemasons? Jasper Ridley on Freemasons - Are They Dangerous? is a talk made at Conway Hall, on 13th Feb 2000. Ridley appears to be a contract or ghost writer, commissioned to write a non-threatening book on a secret society. I think most of the attendees—many more than usual—were disappointed at the vacuous nature of the talk. Possibly of some interest in tracking attempts to muffle criticism and awareness of Jewish-run secret societies, particularly by Roman Catholics, but increasingly at that time as a result of police corruption by Freemasonry.   [top]
Shakespeare was Edward de Vere. Brilliant and probably influential talk without notes at the Royal Geographical Society in London, 11th January 1995. 45 minute talk, then about 45 mins questions and answers, though the audience recordings are not very audible. I made a video with the identical soundtrack, to increase the audience catchment size. The speaker has widened and deepened his interpretation since that talk.   [top]
'Black Studies' is a pseudo-subject; the speaker Weyman Bennett, on the Rise of the British Empire (80 minutes; with Q & A session; probably an SWP event) shows little knowledge, and is therefore just right as part of the Jewish attack on white countries. This is quite important, since the object is to prevent Britons from decoding the part played by Jews in funding atrocities (e.g. China, India), wars (including US revolutionary war), thefts (e.g. South Africa, Congo), drug empires, and controlling central banks.   [top]
Relativity is in my view in mid-decline, after numerous rather weak attacks, rather than strong technical challenges. The idea that 'space-time' shows space and time are the same sort of thing is not credible. Meanwhile, there have been numerous more or less fantastic accounts of multiple universes, start and ends of time, singularities, and what have you. Which have coincided with a decline in students studying physics, because it's perceived as dangerous ('nuclear weapons'), difficult (tensor calculus?), or remote from the world. Here's a physicist in London, Basil Hiley on Relativity, Space, and Time aiming a lecture at students wondering if they should do physics. November 1997. His physics department was I think about to be closed.   [top]
Peter Cadogan, freethinker, traditionally educated Englishman, believer in direct democracy, and organiser ran South Place Ethical Society, but was removed, for permitting free speech to the National Front. Three 90 minute tapes; good quality (though my voice makes me cringe) and fairly notes-based for continuity. May 1996. Peter Cadogan - Part 1 Intellectual heroes: Bacon, Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Wells (who made him internationalist and European), Winstanley, William Blake, Coleridge. E P Thompson. Christopher Hill. | Bentham as anti-hero; sweeping reforms changing everything. | Towns of England as self-governing, and ruled by guilds. As opposed to country houses. | Too young for Spanish Civil War. Khruschev speech, Bertrand Russell, Committee of 100, Dean Acheson on nuclear war not happening | Trotsky's (woman) secretary whom he published | Cuba, Berlin Wall, Biafra | Britain 'starting the Vietnam War' by arming Japanese against the Vietnamese. | William the Conqueror, 'harrying of the north': still shudders to think of it. | His parents who were 'loving but philistine'. His father something in imports and exports | South Place | direct democracy. Peter Cadogan - Part 2 Cromwell, the Civil Wars | monarchs of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales | scendancy of Parliament | suppressed history of England because it made coercion obvious (e.g. Ireland auctioned by Parliament on the stock exchange five years before conquest). | English villages 'destroyed four times' so no folk culture in UK: [1] wool enclosures [2] parliamentary enclosures [3] cheap imported food from mid-19th century [4] factory farming and use of contract labour. | Tynesiders and localisation | Stationers Company monopoly broken by the Levellers | Decline of guilds 1820s or so, with rise of professional organisations. | Hadn't heard the idea that the British in India were destructive | Wrote a book on Newcastle. Peter Cadogan - Part 3 Overview societal things; e.g. [1] shortages an invention of (I think) feudal times; and they were caused, or bound up with, the introduction of the market. [2] Not much on currency, despite its relevance here. [3] Before, in bad times people weren't generally destitute.   [top]
1968 has a special place in the propagandised folk mind. Partly it was a protest against US genocide in Vietnam; or more precisely, but even less well-known, Jewish genocide in Vietnam plus corrupt money-making. The Jewish media can't of course say that, and pretend it was the start of decadence, which was itself Jewish-promoted. Anyway, in May 1998, Tariq Ali & Susan Watkins spoke on their book 1968 at Waterstones bookshop in Hampstead, to a rather small audience. They're married; he's c 53, she's c 46. There's a Q and A session (including a woman who welcomed American bombs during WW2 - German? Or Jewish?). Ali said 'socialist countries' were misled into the attitude that the state should control all details of the economy - not he said, supported by any traditional socialist thinkers. Not, I thought, Jew-aware; probably why they were tolerated.   [top]
Christopher Hird - The Great Pensions Fraud interesting survey of pension contributions and what was done with them since about 1945, in plain English. Sourced from the Financial Times. Of course Jewish profit maximisation from control of currency (e.g. by lending paper money to governments) is not considered.   [top]
Heinz Lipschutz, eccentric frustrated inventor who was difficult to assess; some of his inventions, such as intersecting radar beams to locate aircraft, were already there; multitrack tape recorders just extended single track; etc). Heinz Lipschutz on U-Plane is a phone conversation. There is some discussion of Lipschutz in old magazines on electronics. I have longer tapes which are not very audible.   [top]
Marxism without Jews is another pseudo-subject which has grown as Jewish paper money power has grow and the Jewish obsession with secrecy has led to ever-more ludicrously converted pretences about history, determinism and so on. Here we have a talk, at the time of writing about twenty years old, by an aspirant academic from sociology and literature, Justin Rosenberg on Isaac Deutscher and the Lost History of International relations. (At the LSE. talk 45 mins. Q & A session). Good example of the slow, verbose, padded style with the material spread thinly. Robin Blackburn was in the audience; perhaps was looking out for a new Verso author? This was the 26th year of the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher prize. Rosenberg discussed 'International Relations Theory', and said there is not a single great book in this 'discipline', after several centuries. There's no theory. just 'the balance of power'. Rosenberg has a phrase which he repeats, in the Jewish manner: 'Theory of uneven and combined development'. Jew-aware people might listen, as an example of worthless Jewish theories which exclude Jews.   [top]
Hermann Bondi (1995) a Government Scientist, somewhat in the mould of the Jews who surrounded Churchill. Smug and tries to be surprising: the 'false prospectus' that science is monolithic, that infuriating papers are best, that he didn't like reading papers. Twenty years later, I have to wonder whether he was tricked by weapons people, nuclear people, and so on, as Ivor Catt said—weapons testing being liable to be spun out, as one incomplete test after another was applied. Bondi joked about God, applying to research the origination (sic) of life, being rejected because of not having worked in the field for years, no-one could repeat his experiments, and his book not being in a refereed journal. Popper died six months earlier. Something on technology and equipment. Nobody asked what had he actually achieved in science.   [top]
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Audio recordings, in a form just about usable by mobile phones, first uploaded 27 Oct 2015 © Rae West. This version 2017-09-14